Welcome to Camp Warner Park: Feathered Friends & Teen Leadership Adventure



This week is going to be awesome because we are celebrating the 4th of July! We should have called it Friends and FIREWORKS week!


First, let’s remember all the fun things we did earlier in the week. Like playing silly games. (This one is like rock-paper-scissors with a team!)

whats in the water

We like to be silly AND we like to learn! Exploring the pond at the Nature Center is really fun because we can catch frogs and learn about their habitat.


We can eat anything that grows in the Nature Center’s organic garden!

ready to hike

Today, Teen Leadership Adventure is hard at work on a trail for their service project with Friends of Warner Park volunteer director, Paul Fowler.


Can you tell we’re an adventurous group?!?

exploring the stream

One of our favorite activities is catching crawfish in the creek!

look what we made

Look at these awesome fuse bead animals we made!


Time for Awards! 2 campers from each group are honored every day.

bob brown

Finally! It’s party time! The field station is looking festive!

face paint

And with a bit of faceprint, the campers are looking festive too!

chalk drawing

Have a great weekend, celebrating Independence Day! See you next week!